Thursday 26 April 2012

The World of Marketing: You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy

Alright people. This is it. It's time to talk about it. DON'T act like you haven't seen it- you know you have. Of course you know that I am talking about the Vodafone commercial featuring -sniff- Yoda. 

Oh Yoda, Yoda, Yoda, Yoda. What happened to you bud? You were once the greatest Jedi in the galaxy, now... 

Actually that brings me onto my next point. This advert shouldn't exist (besides the obvious reasons), as where the hell in Star Wars continuity does this thing take place. It's set in the modern world, yet Yoda died A long time ago... and he wasn't CGI Yoda then either (which makes me wonder, is that the natural growth for his race). 

I mean what was it.

Oh jeez... so how did you get the advert campaign.

I usually don't get so uptight over characters in advertising. I didn't mind when Darth Vader was in the Currys advert, as I have always had my suspicions of Currys, but this was such a weak effort. It was too good a CGI for an advert and I don't get what Yoda has to do with Vodafone- or hairdressers! At least E. T. says phone home, remember those adverts. Clearly the marketing campaigners thought "Doi, they're both cute aliens that can't talk properly- it's essentially the same character", well you know what, they're not. One's a Jedi Knight, the other... can't drive a spaceship!

Maybe I'm thinking too much about this, but I only saw this tonight and I felt like I had to do something. I just have one thing to say to those marketing guys: You'd better watch yourselves. I'm a wanted man. I have the death sentence in 12 systems.

1 comment:

  1. Respect, big props for calling Yoda on selling out!
