Friday 4 May 2012

A Good Cast is Worth Repeating

See before you the cast of my Native American animation:

 What I love about this style is the boldness of the design. The top left character, who looks like Sherlock Holmes, is our lead. The film will follow him through life, which I figured was the best way to cover their lifestyle. Top Right is a horse designed in a Plains Tribe style. It actually reminds me of Yosemite Sam's Dragon in Knighty Knight Bugs.

(Image from

Bottom left is the Midwife who brings our lead into the world. Her magnificent face was based on a photo I saw of an elderly Native American, who the most extraordinary wrinkles, they were like deep caverns in her skin. I'm sure when she cried it was like a babbling brook!

Then we have, my favourite, the trickster god, Iktomi. This is a spider, who can transform into a human, not the other way round surprisingly. As a human he usually has either red, blue or white paint around his eyes. I decided to go with a big red eye to make him stand out, so that the audience knows he his mischevious. A great concept is that he can use people like puppets. Gotta love mythology.

I have done as much research as possible for this project, because it is important to do as much as possible, not just because you might offend someone (that should be subconcsious), but because it is truth. I'm also including traditional patterns in the animation, such as the sun, below. I made up the colours, bearing in mind what pigments were available.
 Well with the characters designed, it's off to the animation wing. Wish me luck!

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