Tuesday 18 September 2012

Robocop Costume Revealed!

Alright, so the new Robocop suit was revealed earlier in the week for the upcoming remake. So okay let's take a look, I mean obviously Robocop is such an iconic character that they're going to do something really cool and new...


Oh boy, you've screwed it up already. If you don't see what's wrong with it, don't worry, I'll explain. First of all, it's not Robocop. It's a robotic suit, yes, but not Robocop. Black, Robocop isn't black, he's a blue-grey with a cool pearlescent finish. Second, it's dull. Let's bring up the original.
Doesn't this look just more interesting? All those little dents and wires, the rivets, the bolts, it looks like a working machine. The new one, well just look at JIMSMASH's blog.  Yeah it looks like the Michael Keaton Batman suit. It is too streamlined and sleek. This seems to be a trend for modern robots. Gone are the days of bulky Robbies. Actually you know what this design should have been, I they covered up the face,it should have been Gort in the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still. It's not as good as the original, but better than that thing hey had in there!
I don't get why this had to be remade. Robocop is a perfect film on its own. Maybe it will be okay, but why not do something new.

Jeez I need something to cheer me up. I know, a film in which Robbie the Robot, Gort and the Lost in Space Robot join forces, under the supervision of the HAL 9000, to clean up the streets of New York. How's that for a Robocop remake! (Okay I know that Robobcop is set in Detroit!) 

1 comment:

  1. "I don't get why this had to be remade. Robocop is a perfect film on its own. Maybe it will be okay, but why not do something new."

    They did bro, they made him Black!!
