Friday 29 June 2012


Once a week I will post a new feature. This will be called PERFECT MOVIE, in which I take a concept for a film, a remake, adaptation, from any decade and try to give my thoughts on the perfect cast and crew. 

Next week: The Lord of the Rings made in the 1950s!

P. S. I need a logo for the new feature. I have two designs. Please respond to which is better.


The new Godzilla film is going to be directed by Gareth (Monsters) Edwards. I have been looking forward for Hollywood to do a proper remake of this fantastic franchise, especially afte that 1998 disaster:

Just what is that! That's not Godzilla, that's just an overgrown alligator!

So anyway I was excited, until I saw this.
 If you cannot see the problem, then I'll explain. They have tried to make the King of the Monsters too EXTREME! Look at all of those spikes. There are even spikes on the body. They've tried to make it too humanoid, I think. The originals were men in suits, but they looked more animalistic. 

I like the white eyes, as it is like the design in Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Atttack (2001), and that looked cool. 

Although when I was a kid, watching the Godzilla films, the eyes were the things that used to terrify me. That blank Godzilla  stare was creepy. This design would be fine for a a live action film.

Of course nothing will beat the original. Just look at that photography!

Anyway here's hoping they don't mess it all up. I hope King Ghidorah's in it!

Ant-Man Movie

Director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz)has recently shown Marvel Test footage for his long awaited Ant-Man film, one of Marvel's lesser known characters. The film has been co-written by Attack the Block director Joe Cornish. 

Here's wishing Wright and Cornish the best of luck and hopefully we'll have some news at the next San Diego Comic Con (July 12-15).

Tuesday 26 June 2012

NEWTON POLO inked...Page 1

I've inked the first page for my Newton Polo comic. Here are the individual panels.

Green Screen

I finally got my green screen this morning and have been playing around all day. 

I even made this mock- up of the original Star Trek series opening credits. Here is the link:

If there is one thing that will make you popular, then it is recreating original Star Trek series opening credits!

Monday 25 June 2012

One Small Step...

Here are the first steps of the first Newton Polo comic:

Here is Pencil rough of the first page.

And the first six pages of the script. It was safe to print this out because it really an introduction piece as opposed to the actual plot. I write it out like a script, only it is more loose, because only I have to read it. I am not sticking with the title there (if you can read it).

I also bought this Brass telescope, which really kick started the plot!

It is important to the plot as well!

Newton Polo and the Found Plot

Yes, after weeks of scratching my noggin' in deep thought I have finally discovered my the plot for the first Newton Polo adventure. All it took was a photography trip into Rye. I won't tell you it yet, but I'll show the photos I took and you can guess it.

Sunday 24 June 2012

I Found It!

Oh yeah-- the Samus IS awesome! Look at all positions. On eBay this is £60-£70. I really do think it's necessary to have one...



Figma's new figure of Link is FREAKIN' AWESOME! I really want one! I love the speed action attachment, I have never seen that on a Figure Collectable (Toy) before. It's around £32- £45 on eBay. I'd say that's worth it. They also do a Samus one. I'll take a gander and might do another post. If it's anything like this, then it is F@!%ING AMAZING!

Dave McKean- Rye: 8 Sep- 7 Oct

To any Neil Gaiman fan, Dave McKean is a name that stands out. He has collaborated with the fantasy author on numerous occasions, on Vertigo's Sandman series, the film Mirrormask and The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch.

At the Easton Rooms, Rye, his work is going to exhibited 8th September and from 11- 1pm he will be present, so you can actually meet the man himself. This is the only day he will be there, but the exhibit is on until the 7th October. Just in case anyone is interested. 

I heard that there is going to be a Prometheus sequel. Any suggestions?

- Prometheus'
- Prometheus 3

Just so long as they stay clear away from 
Prometheus Resurrection!

Saturday 23 June 2012


This is Oliver, last survivor of The Weird and the Wonderful:

Alien (1979) is my second- favourite film of all time, so I was super- excited to seeing Ridley Scott back in the sci-fi director's chair. 

I have just got back from watching Prometheus, the new film by Ridley Scott. What did I think? It was fantastic.

There are a lot of people going into this expecting it to be a new Alien film and being disappointed. I went in thinking of it as its own film and I was happy. It is a fantastic film. 

The photography in the film is beautiful. I saw it in High Definition version and it looks incredible. The scenes on Earth at the beginning are stunning, almost like watching the recent David Attenborough series. 

The film follows Noomi Rapace, an archaeologist who has discovered a certain design showing humans worshipping a tall figure, pointing to a particular cluster of stars. They find out that there is a planet in that system and travel on the good ship Prometheus to the planet's moon. The moon is called- and this is where I knew it wasn't an Alien prequel- the moon is called LV- 223, whereas Alien (1979) is set on LV-426. So the ship of 17 involving scientists and the pilots (I thought it was odd they didn't take some military and diplomats on humanity's first alien encounter- oh well!) travel to the moon to discover mankind's origins. I'm not sure where the "Scientists" get this idea, but I'm able to overlook that.

The film is rated 15, and at first I thought that was extreme, until one scene involving a medical pod and Noomi Rapace. It was quite disgusting and tense, being trapped in a locked pod with something.I'm going to talk about this scene so <<SPOILER>>. Noomi Rapace's character hinted earlier that she cannot bear a child. Then after a safe intercourse scene with her fellow archaeologist (NO RAIDERS JOKES!), she is impregnated with an alien foetus, which she wants out immediately, so she goes to the medical pod for a cesarean. The pod has these robotic arms which cut her open and use a claw game to grab the foetus (Aww--I could never win those things!) and out emerges this baby squid that keeps trying to grab at Noomi. Then to close her wound the pod just staple-guns her stomach. Thanks Ridley, now I know how to perform a cesarean!! 

The effects were fantastic, even the CGI, except for one bit at the end involving <<SPOILER>> a giant alien squiddy- thing. The new aliens, Engineers as they were nicknamed, were especially cool. I couldn't tell if it was CGI or make-up, I reckon it was Motion Capture. In Spoony's review,(He hated it, but the video is still funny!) he said the Engineers looked like Kratos from the God of War games, which, yeah it does.

It can be annoying seeing as they are scientists, yet they can be idiots, but that is a staple of the genre. Actually the smartest character was Charlize Theron, who at first I thought was going to be a replicant-- I mean, err Android. When one of the crew members is infected she does a Ripley and refuses to let him on board, clearly she's seen the first film. 

It's a science-fiction, plague movie, with creatures in, so if you threw The Quatermass Experiment in a blender with the original Alien films, you'd get nothing like this- but close!)
It seems as though they were trying for a deep, 2001: A Space Odyssey style event, which is it not. I tend to take films as they appear, not trying to find some underlying theme (I mean King Kong and Alien are my two favourite films).

I give this film 4 baby Xenomorphs out of 5: