Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Artist

I have just watched The Artist and it was fantastic.

At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to see it, or not, because I loved the idea of the storyline, however everyone kept going on about how rebellious and daring it is to make a silent film in this day and age! This always annoyed me because I always wanted to make a silent film, not for that reason, but because I love silent films. They are their own little world and they remind that film is a visual medium. Because of all this stupid "rebel" speak, I thought "Oh it's going to be a load of pretentious tripe! I mean it's called The Artist!"Thankfully I never listen to myself and I was drawn since the classic title screen. It's like Young Frankenstein, in which it really knows its influence and subject matter.

I watched it with an audience who find it hard to a Black and White film, let alone a silent one and guess what, they loved it! There were surprisingly no homages that I noticed to other silent films, which I also respect, it was as if a lost film had been found.

My only criticism... not enough Malcolm McDowell. But that's it. It deserved all of the Millions of Awards it won.

I give The Artist...

4 "Disgusting Beauty Spots" out of 5

  . . . .

Seriously why do people find these so attractive?!

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