Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Sketch With No Name!

I finished this drawing of Blondie (No, not THAT Blondie--Clint Eastwood) from Sergio Leone's The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, one of my favourite films of all time. I think that Clint is particularly cool in this flick. I wanted to capture the lone, mystique of Blondie. I think it's because he hardly says anything in the picture. I think there's a part of everyone that wants to be like Clint.

This was produced with a Pentel pen brush and a green Art and Graphic Twin by Zig.

Just a side-note, this scene in the graveyard is a perfect piece of cinema. For 5 and a half minutes, there are no words spoken. Its a three way anticipation, waiting to see who shoots first. I hear George Lucas is going to re-edit it to make Blondie more of a hero!